Brief overview of Michael Gallegos' life-saving experience with his Apple Watch

Alert from Apple Watch  Michael received a low heart rate notification, prompting a visit to the emergency room.

Crucial Detection During Sleep The Apple Watch detected an irregular heart rhythm during Michael's sleep.

Health Records Sharing Apple Health's feature shared critical health records with Michael's son, Nick.

Emergency Room Visit Doctors discovered an undiagnosed heart condition and installed a pacemaker.

Gratitude to Tim Cook Nick's email to Tim Cook expressing gratitude for the life-saving device.

Christopher's Story in Asheville Christopher Oakely's experience in Asheville, North Carolin

Heart Attack Revelation  Christopher's Apple Watch revealed a minor heart attack, aiding in medical attention.

Life-Saving Bypass Surgery  Christopher's heart rate data played a crucial role in emergency double bypass surgery.

Thanks to Tim Cook  Christopher's email expressing appreciation to Tim Cook for creating a life-saving product.

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