Tesla Autopilot Recall: Navigating Through Safety Concerns

Estimated read time 4 min read


In a significant development, Tesla Autopilot Recall, led by billionaire Elon Musk, is recalling more than two million cars in the United States following a two-year investigation into crashes related to its Autopilot driver assistance system.

Background on Autopilot

Tesla’s Autopilot, introduced in 2015, was designed to assist with steering, acceleration, and braking. Contrary to its name, the system requires driver input, and its software ensures it operates in appropriate conditions, primarily on highways.

Crash Investigations

The recall is prompted by a thorough investigation into 956 Tesla crashes over two years, revealing concerns about the feature’s controls and their adequacy in preventing driver misuse.

NHTSA Findings

The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) concluded that the feature’s controls might not be sufficient to prevent misuse, emphasizing responsible deployment of automated technology.

Tesla Autopilot Recall Response

Tesla, while not fully concurring with the NHTSA’s analysis, commits to a recall and addresses concerns through a software update delivered “over the air,” avoiding the need for physical visits to dealerships.

UK Perspective

The UK Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency clarified that Teslas in the UK lack certain features present in the US models, and there have been no reported safety issues.

Autopilot Functionality

Despite its name, Autopilot mandates driver attention and active participation, with the software monitoring the driver’s engagement during operation.

Safety Concerns Raised

A former Tesla employee, Lukasz Krupski, expressed reservations about the technology, stating concerns about hardware and software readiness and the potential risks to public road users.

Automated Technology Responsibility

The NHTSA emphasizes responsible deployment of automated technology, expressing optimism but underlining the need for ongoing monitoring post-update.

Recall Notice Details

Tesla’s disagreement with the NHTSA’s analysis is noted, along with additional features aimed at addressing concerns, including enhanced checks on activating self-driving features.

Whistleblower’s Perspective

Whistleblower Lukasz Krupski views the recall as a step in the right direction, highlighting the universal hardware across Teslas globally.

Tesla Autopilot Recall Defense

Tesla defends Autopilot’s safety metrics, citing statistics that suggest fewer crashes when the system is engaged.

Expert Opinion

Jack Stilgoe, an associate professor at University College London, suggests Tesla should have invested more time in developing the system initially.

Market Impact

Susannah Streeter of Hargreaves Lansdown believes the recall won’t significantly impact Tesla’s momentum, considering the company’s financial capacity to invest in fixes.

Future of Autonomy

Despite the recall, Tesla remains committed to advancing autonomy, with Elon Musk envisioning substantial revenue from full self-driving technology by 2030.


While Tesla’s Autopilot recall raises concerns, the company’s commitment to addressing issues through a software update reflects its determination to enhance safety and maintain its position at the forefront of self-driving technology.

Is my Tesla affected by the recall?

Check Tesla’s official communication for specific details based on your model and purchase date.

Can I continue using Autopilot after the update?

Yes, the update aims to enhance safety, and Tesla encourages users to continue using Autopilot responsibly.

Are Teslas in the UK impacted by the recall?

The UK Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency has not reported safety issues, but it’s advisable to stay informed.

How does Tesla ensure the safety of its Autopilot technology?

Tesla relies on continuous monitoring, updates, and additional safety features to improve Autopilot functionality.

What should I do if I have concerns about Tesla Autopilot Recall Autopilot?

Contact Tesla’s customer support for guidance and clarification on any concerns.

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