Russ Tamblyn and Daughter Amber Share Hilarious Moments on The View

Legendary actor Russ Tamblyn and his daughter Amber Tamblyn brought laughter and nostalgia to the set of The View this morning. The duo graced the hit daytime talk show to discuss Russ’ latest memoir, Dancing on the Edge: A Journey of Living, Loving, and Tumbling Through Hollywood.

A Legacy of Tumbling Through Hollywood

Russ Tamblyn, known for his iconic roles in classics like Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954), West Side Story (1961), and Peyton Place (1957), charmed the audience with tales from his colorful career.

Tumbling into Stardom

During the lively conversation, Joy Behar pointed out Russ’ remarkable tumbling skills that often landed him roles in various films. Russ proudly shared, “I used it in all the films that I did.

As the audience marveled at a clip of Russ performing a stunt in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, he paused, momentarily lost in memories of his past feats.

A Hilarious Interjection

Amber, known for her role in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, added her signature humor to the mix when she joked, “I gave him an edible before we got here,” lightening the mood and earning a round of laughter from the hosts and audience alike.

A Father-Daughter Duo

The affectionate banter between Russ and Amber added warmth to the interview, showcasing their close bond and shared sense of humor.

Nostalgic Moments with Elvis Presley

Reflecting on his encounters with Elvis Presley, Russ recalled moments spent with the legendary musician. However, as Russ seemed momentarily distracted, Amber playfully stepped in to guide the conversation.

Amber Takes the Lead

Amber recounted a cherished childhood memory involving Elvis seeking advice from her father backstage. She affectionately nudged her dad to share the anecdote, seamlessly steering the interview back on track.

A Touch of Nostalgia and Laughter

Russ Tamblyn and Amber Tamblyn’s appearance on The View was a delightful blend of nostalgia, laughter, and heartfelt moments. As they shared stories from Russ’ illustrious career and their treasured family memories, viewers were treated to a glimpse of their genuine connection and infectious humor.


From reminiscing about iconic film moments to sharing lighthearted anecdotes, Russ and Amber Tamblyn’s visit to The View was a memorable affair. Their endearing chemistry and effortless charm captivated both the audience and hosts, leaving everyone eagerly awaiting their next appearance.

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